Review - The Diner, Ganton Street, Soho — The Travelling Tikki
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Wow, it's been a while since I wrote a review. Things have been quite manic the last few months, and they're finally settling down now. Just in time too, with summer around the corner, and lots of chilling out to do!

The Diner cropped up on my list of places to eat at last month when I was researching potential dinner venues for my husband's birthday. I thought a diner would be nice and relaxed, and quite up his street, food wise. Giant portions of greasy food, tall glasses of shake, and huge desserts. I picked The Diner because it had the most generous menu of all the diners that came up in my research. That birthday plan fizzled out, though.

So when an an ex-colleague and I decided to catch-up last night, I suggested we go to The Diner, Soho.

I got there for around 6:45 in the evening and the place was packed and staff looked a little hassled. I had to wait for quite a while before someone attended to me. I was enjoying Billy Joel though, and thinking about the meal ahead, so wasn't too bothered about the wait. My friend was due to arrive in half an hour or so, so I settled down with their free WiFi and my Kindle, determined to finish my book, breaking off occasionally to check the time and admire the menu.

Man! It looked good. All sorts of shakes - the Snickers shake caught my eye, with its three scoops of chocolate, nutella, peanut butter, and maple syrup - but I did not dare. I had a burger I wanted to eat, and fries too, and a shake would have been pushing it, especially one that had an easy 600 calories, if not more! I decided to park the decision, and make up my mind about my meal instead. The shrimp burger sounded divine, but so did the mushroom, and so did the halloumi, as did the chicken. And what do I have for sides? Fat fries, fatter fries, fat fries with cheese. fat fries with cheese and onions?! Slaw? Mac n cheese? Onion rings? Oh dear, another 600 calories right there! Decided to park that decision too. And I did want dessert of course. Brownie with ice cream and fudge sauce? Classic banana split? Chocolate and peanut butter cookie with peanut butter ice cream and butterscotch sauce? Calories!!

That's when I decided to screw it and do it (thank you Sir Branson). I was in an all-American diner with a great menu, and I'd been wanting to come here a while. A few thousand calories here and there shouldn't matter, should they?

So a crumbed mushroom burger with aioli and Swiss cheese was ordered, with skinny fat (the irony!) cajun fries, and a brownie with ice cream and chocolate sauce. Skipped the shake, that would need to be a meal in itself!

I don't know what I was expecting, but I'm sorry to say I was disappointed. There was something not so fresh about my meal. Like the burger had been made a while ago and was sitting to cool to room temperature before it was served. It was a little soggy, and the patty wasn't crisp I'm afraid, and it was all just a little too dry. I was expecting a large burger (one of those that's so big you have to squash it a little before you can bite into it) over stuffed with sauce and cheese and a big crisp patty larger than the bun. I was looking forward to slathering it with mustard and chomping on it starry eyed. None of that happened :( And the fries were a little soft and cold too. Unfortunately, the brownie didn't save the meal either. Again, not gooey or warm enough, and they'd been stingy about the fudge sauce.

Why! I was really looking forward to that meal. Oh well.

However, the black beans deserve a mention. Very tasty indeed.

£20 each, not bad for a meal out in Soho. I don't believe The Diner can't do a burger and sides well, so if you've been and had a different experience, do share!

The Diner Menu, Reviews, Photos, Location and Info - Zomato

